Prof. Yasushi Katsuma
At Waseda University, Dr. Yasushi KATSUMA is Professor of International Studies Program in the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies (GSAPS), while serving as a member of the University’s Board of Trustees. At the National Center for Global Health & Medicine (NCGM), Japan, he is Director of the Department of Global Health Affairs & Governance in the Institute for Global Health Policy Research (iGHP). At Vietnam-Japan University (VJU) in Hanoi, he is Professor and Co-Director of the Master’s Program in Global Leadership. At the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), he is Visiting Professor.
Currently, he serves the BMJ in London as an International Advisory Board member; the Global Health & Medicine as an Editorial Board member; the Japan Society for International Development (JASID) as a Director; the Japan Association for International Health (JAIH) as a Councilor; the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) as a Board member; and the GLM Institute as a Board member.
Previously, he served the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as an Advisory Panel member of its Human Development Report; the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO-WPRO) as an Advisor in Law for Health; the JASID as a Vice-President; and the Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) as the Secretary-General and a Director.
Prior to the current positions, he worked for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Mexico, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tokyo. Before joining the United Nations, he worked as development consultant for Japan’s official development assistance (ODA) at the Engineering & Consulting Firms Association (ECFA), Japan, and conducted research in Bangladesh, Paraguay, the Philippines, Russian Far East and Thailand.
He received his Ph.D. (Development) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; LL.M. & LL.B. from Osaka University; and B.A. from International Christian University, after working as a volunteer for a British project in Honduras and studying at the University of California-San Diego.
Research Project
“Research on the Impact of ASEAN’s Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) on the Policy and Mobility of Nursing Professionals in Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar, and Viet Nam,” National Center for Global Health and Medicine, The Research and Development Fund for International Medicine.
“Research on the Construction of Data Platform to Support the Health of Refugees and Migrants,” National Center for Global Health and Medicine, The Research and Development Fund for International Medicine.
Aya Ishizuka, Mina Chiba, Hiroyasu Iso, Yasushi Katsuma (2021), “Unfinished business: Lessons for future G20 meetings on a more inclusive understanding of universal health coverage,” GHM Open, advance online publication. [DOI:]
BBC、勝間靖(解説・日本語字幕版監修)(2021)「アフリカからの非正規移民、人身取引の実態〜ヨーロッパ・ドリームの理想と現実(Africa’s Billion Pound Migrant Trail)」丸善出版.
勝間靖(2020)「COVID-19の大学生への影響〜日本における外国人学生を中心に」『国際保健医療』35巻2号、pp. 89-91.
Gerald Bloom, Yasushi Katsuma, Krishna D. Rao, Saeda Makimoto, Jason D.C. Yin, Gabriel M. Leung (2019), “Next steps towards universal health coverage call for global leadership,” The BMJ 2019;365:l2107
Krishna D. Rao; Saeda Makimoto; Michael Peters; Gabriel M. Leung,; Gerald Bloom; Yasushi Katsuma (2019), “Chapter 7: Vulnerable populations and universal health coverage,” Homi Kharas: John W. McArthur; Izumi Ohno (eds). Leave no one behind: Time for specifics on the Sustainable Development Goals, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, pp.129-148.
Yasushi Katsuma (2018), “What is required to ensure the human security of refugees,” Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, Vol.31, March, pp.203-210.
山田順子・勝間靖(2020)「ASEANにおける資格の相互承認協定(Mutual Recognition Arrangement:MRA)の動向と看護人材」国立国際医療研究センター国際医療協力局[編]『看護師の国境を越えての移動〜看護資格の多国間相互承認とその影響』(テクニカル・レポート13号)、pp.5-8.
勝間靖(2018)「10章 包摂性: 包摂的な開発」国際開発学会[編]『国際開発学事典』丸善出版、pp.300-301.
勝間靖(2018)「誰も置き去りにしない〜持続可能なグローバル社会のためのガバナンス」勝間靖[編著]『持続可能な社会をめざして〜私のSDGsへの取組み』国際書院、pp.11-13; 107-128.
BBC、勝間靖(解説・日本語字幕版監修)(2017)「ボコ・ハラムに拉致された少女たち(シリーズ世界の諸問題と子どもたち : 貧困・紛争・暴力にさらされる子どもの権利を考える3)」丸善出版.
勝間靖(2017)「日中韓の大学における国際的な高等教育ネットワークの構築~キャンパス・アジア(CAMPUS Asia)を中心として」『国連ジャーナル』春号、pp.26-27.